Jared Falk
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Jared Falk - Online Drum Lessons Educator
One of the best ways to learn drumming is to listen to as many drummers as you can. Listening to many different musicians, good and bad, amateur and professional, will give you a wide variety of examples so that you can decide what you do and don’t want to imitate and begin to shape your view of what quality drum music looks and sounds like. The art of drumming has evolved over several hundred years. As each generation of drummers passes down their collective knowledge to the younger students, new skills and techniques are developed. These new students will become tomorrow’s performers and teachers and add their own touches to the existing knowledge, passing these down to continue the evolution of drumming. You can learn a lot by keeping an ear out, especially from talented, experienced musicians that have knowledge to share about the art of drumming. Drummer Jared Falk is one of these musicians.
Jared was born in Abbotsford, British Columbia in Canada. He did not start out in junior high band, but began playing drums at 15 years of age. He began studying drumming with a musician in The Doxa Band, a Christian rock band. He later began taking lessons from Brad Naylor, a high school teacher, who gave him a more technical approach to drumming. Another giant influence on Falk’s drumming technique was musician Lionel Duperron, whom Falk credits for taking his drum playing “to the next level” by showing him the Moeller Method. The Moeller Method was developed by Sanford A. Moeller as a technique to maximize speed, power, and dynamic control in drumming. The technique was patterned after Civil War drummers in the 1800s. Jared really felt that the Moeller method gave him an edge and greatly improved his drumming style. You can see this influence in his work with Mike Michalkow on filming and producing Moeller Method Secrets, an instructional DVD that shows the application of the Moeller Method to drum kit. It was around this time that Jared was invited to play with the band of his first teacher, The Doxa Band.
Jared’s stint with the band lasted for four years. The next step in his professional career was to join up with Riley Armstrong, a solo artist, on a six month tour. Finding the tour not to be his ideal career path, he returned home, this time as a teacher. When Lionel Duperron stepped out of the teaching circuit, he passed on his rotation of students to Falk. Later, Rick Kettner, a fellow drummer, contacted Falk and demonstrated his heel-toe foot technique for the bass drum, and after much discussion, the two musicians developed an instructional video to teach the technique. This partnership became Railroad Media Inc, a company specializing in the production of drum instructional products, and Jared hosted the “The One Handed Drum Roll”, an instructional DVD that teaches drummers the gravity roll. This technique is gaining popularity, especially within the heavy metal and punk rock music genres. Jared Falk promotes this technique for its conservation of motion principles.
Besides The One Handed Drum Roll, Falk is the featured instructor in the Rock Drumming System DVDs and accompanying workbooks with Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Play-Along components.
You can learn more about Jared Falk by visiting his website at www.JaredFalk.com.. You can also see Railroad Media’s complete line of instructional drumming products by visiting RailroadMedia.com
In addition to continuing to develop new teaching tools for drumming, Falk plays with the Christian pop band Blue Rain. He can also be seen three or four times yearly touring with Perry Springman of Perry and the Poor Boys. Jared Falk continues to be an active professional musician and teacher. Of course, the best way to develop your drumming technique is to learn one-on-one from a skilled teacher. While this is sometimes difficult, the advancements of technology in the last few decades have quality instruction much more accessible via formats like DVDs and internet sites where streaming video can be displayed. Today’s students of drumming are fortunate enough to have access to the world’s leading drum instructors, all from the comfort of their own homes.
Jared's latest project can be seen at the Free Drum Lessons website.
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Check out Jared Falk's Rock Drumming System Review at HowToPlayDrums.com. Here is another Jared Falk Biography